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Otecko vdychuje život kresbám, ktoré nakreslil jeho syn

Autor: MS
Dom mal 6 rokov a veľkú fantáziu. Jeho ocino sa rozhodol vdýchnuť jeho kresbám život pomocou photoshopu a tak posunúť jeho predstavivosť do reality - ako by kresba mohla vyzerať v reálnom živote.
Založil mu na Instagrame konto s názvom Veci, ktoré som nakreslil - Things I have drawn a tam si môžete prezrieť uletenú galériu originálnych obrázkov. 


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We made this guy for a video. (We’ve not posted as a photo though.) ___ Hi everyone. We’ve not had much time to fiddle around with new images over the past few days, so I thought, rather than do a #topnine, I’d share a picture from one of our favourite posts of the year - originally shown as a video in February. It’s a Play-Doh face Al and I made together - #thingsihavemade not #thingsihavedrawn. We’ve got quite a few exciting things coming up in 2020 we hope, so do please keep a look out for new pics and some (possibly) surprising announcements over the next few months. Thanks also for all the drawings so many of you have DMed us recently and sorry again that we’ve not been able to reply to you all. It’s brilliant that there’s so much creativity out there. If we don’t post again before the end of the year, have a great New Year everyone. All the best, Tom, Becky, Dom and Al. ___ #ps_bold @photoshop

A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Dec 29, 2019 at 8:15am PST

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Compare the meerkat! ___ #comparethemeerkat #kidsdrawings #thingsihavedrawn #thingsihavedrawnatthezoo #weeklyfluff #Ps_Animal

A post shared by Things I have drawn (@thingsihavedrawn) on Mar 10, 2019 at 9:37am PDT

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