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Slovakia is a beautiful country in the heart of Europe. Once you travel here and want to visit Slovakia with your kids, we would like to present you the best places to visit with your little ones.
Planning to visit Slovakia with kids but don't know what to see? Check our list of best places to go with kids around Slovakia and get inspired! 10 best places to visit with kids in Slovakia >>
Our capital Bratislava offers huge variety of different interesting places where to go with kids. Castle, ZOO, or cable car to the hill Kamzik. The city provides activities for little ones as well as teenagers and parents. Visit our most recommended places for kids in Bratislava and enjoy fun!
Among Slovak families Liptov is probably the most popular region for holiday with kids. It is full of attractions for families, if it is raining, snowing or the sun is shining, you will enjoy your holiday here! See the most popular places to visit in Liptov with kids >>
Again one of the most popular parts of Slovakia for summer or winter holiday. The regions give you huge number of different attractions with the chance of visiting bordering Poland. See our recommendations where to go with kids in Orava >>
Banska Bystrica is an old historical town situated in the centre of Slovakia. The region itself offers the best destinations for the whole family and you definitely won't get bored here. Visit the beautiful mining town of Banska Stiavnica, or simply enjoy the places around.
Trencin with its castle is one of the most beautiful cities situated in the western Slovakia. The region provides various interesting destinations such as Bojnice with its Bojnice castle, ZOO or the new built lookout, or Park of miniatures in Podolie. Visit the region of Trencin with kids >>
Visit our most favourite lookouts around Slovakia and enjoy the beautiful views. Most beautiful lookouts in Slovakia >>
The High Tatras are the second most visited region in Slovakia. It provides variety of different places to visit including those for children. If your kids like to hike, there are many different hiking paths you may try. If you have only little ones, we recommend the simple walking paths for trolleys and little kids >>
Families with little children and babies definetely prefer easy walking tours and paths where they can walk comfortably. See our recommended paths >>
Though Slovakia is not so big it has several nice ZOOs around. Bojnice, Bratislava, or Spisska Nova Ves offer nice walks among different animal species. Want to touch the exotic animals? Check the list of ZOOs in Slovakia and enjoy your stay here >>
In winter or in summer, caves are great place to visit! Don't forget the temperature in the caves may be much different from the actual weather, be prepared and pack some jackets :) See the caves around Slovakia >>
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12.11.2024, 12:58
Mikuláš na Bojnickom zámkumonikaskv
Škoda ,ze neni akcia počas vikendu aj pre navštevníkov z iných okresov.
10.11.2024, 16:38
Rozprávkový les pri kolibe PanorámaEmilia
Na konci rozprávkového lesa sa nachádzajú detské kolotoče. Zaplatili sme si lístok na autodrom aj s malým dieťaťom. K dispozícii bolo iba jedno “zelené auto” pretože ostatné boli v zlom technickom stave. Pri jazde na tomto aute som zistila, že volant nie je možné držať v obidvoch rukách, pretože tam nie je dostatok miesta a jediné ako bolo možné ako tak ovládať volant bolo dlaňou.Volantom sa točilo veľmi ťažko, chvíľami sa aj zasekol, v dôsledku čoho sme s malým dieťaťom v plnej rýchlosti narazili. Ja som si tak spôsobila zranenie na ruke. Po jazde som pani povedala, že ten volant sa veľmi zle ovláda. Pani prevádzkujúca kolotoče však tvrdila, že od nového roka budú mať nové kolotoče. Auto bolo v zlom technickom stave čo potvrdila aj sama pani. V prípade, že si pani vezme peniaze za jazdu, ale poskytne vám k dispozícii poškodené auto by som nabudúce veľmi pouvažovala, či je táto jazda hodná a bezpečná. Po tejto skúsenosti sa kolotočom na tomto mieste určite vyvarujeme. Rozprávkový les bol veľmi krásny, príjemne prostredie aj dobrá reštaurácia.
09.11.2024, 12:51
Mútne jazero Minik
Jazierko je v skutku krásne, pokoj a kľud a však momentálne je tam ťažba dreva, čo znamená že polovica cesty bolo blato na ceste a deti boli zablatené asi všade...
24.10.2024, 07:39
Humor primeraný veku - výber zábavných tričiek pre detiEthan
Tričko s vtipnou potlačou by mohlo byť... Skvelý nápad na darček.
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